An innovative screenwriting team...

...extremely well-read in SciFi & Fantasy, astute regarding the critical elements of interesting, meaningful, entertaining stories with broad and enduring appeal, and keenly aware of the practical considerations in adapting epic literature to movie format.

NovaQuest's central strength as an innovative writing team stems from our contrasting backgrounds and skill sets applied together in identifying and developing winning project choices. "Dr. Quest" (Steven Jacquier) is a scientist and has a deep lifelong appreciative experience of science fiction & fantasy from classics to contemporaries, detailed knowledge of various authors' universes, and a studied understanding of symbolic aspects, numinous elements, and shared themes across universes -as well as their allegorical counterparts in real life. "Nova" (Bryan Nova Brey) is the creator of MythMatrix, an eCourse which incorporates film theory into personal development so that one can better understand and find value in their past life chapters as well as plan ahead for exciting hero's journeys. He has also worked professionally as a Hollywood screenplay reader (and never will again!)  While even more different from one another than were other more famous creative duos such as Gilbert & Sullivan, Abbott & Costello, Watson & Crick, and many others, together these two principal poles of NovaQuest generate and focus a unique conceptual numino-electromagnetic field for the creation and adaptation of writing projects.

NovaQuest: savvy and wise to finding and polishing gems of SciFi & Fantasy.

NovaQuest is able to discern valuable writing properties. NovaQuest can capably modernize and enrich those universes, enhancing that which authors have created while remaining faithful to the spirit and intention of their original work. Just as the success of comic books has led to massive block buster hits, there is vast value in many hitherto-overlooked classic science fiction novels as well as some -a relatively few- brand new novels​. This potential flows not only from the older works' built-in loyal readership & fandoms, but also from the commercial universe of possibility now available with new and economical film & animation technology to finally, after all these years, be able to realize these authors' ambitious visions.

NovaQuest: attuned to the original artistic vision and authors' fan bases.

Amplifying the previous point, NovaQuest strongly feels that it is critical the original vision of an author is held to faithfully, in part because it is a proven success and also because the writing has developed a documented fan base for a reason. Most big production studios have tried to qualitatively as well as quantitatively (scale, pace of action) alter the original vision -often with financially disastrous results. Small production studios, using skilled writing and early screening feedback, have paved the way for the excellent reception --and massive commercial success on a modest budget-- of films which stay true to vision, even starting with smaller niche audiences. No one can guarantee massive block-buster success, yet making sure the core readership audience is genuinely satisfied is the most reliable way to ensure the film adaptation has every opportunity to make a substantial profit.

Finally, NovaQuest: bringing out the very best in Sci Fi & Fantasy for the original author, the modern movie audience, and the anxious investor.

Everyone claims to be able to do a successful screenplay adaptation of a winning book; few can actually deliver. There is both an art and a science to successful screenwriting and NovaQuest has competence with both aspects. Please explore the MythMatrix program to see proof of having the "science" end of matters comprehensively covered; we know what we are doing. As for the delicate art of interpreting an original author's vision (which may be dated, have a zealous following of purists to whom any change is sheer sacrilege, and/or call for production values which might bankrupt MGM), NovaQuest follows these guiding principles:

*immediacy and authenticity - can the viewer relate to the hero or heroine, feel a connection between the context and struggle of the protagonists and that of his/her own life? We make it so.

*mindfully aware dialogue and action - we enhance quality with judicious placement of emphasis, characters' meaningful choices, and how interactions are portrayed. No "hack and slash" - if there is a battle then it is inner as well as outer, has thoughtful reflection as well as action, and serves to refine the character rather than simply entertain.

As a concrete example, "Avatar" was an utterly regrettable, forgettable, abject failure on this score; the only saving graces that movie had working for it were Roger Dean's uncredited art concepts, some competent -if stock character- acting, and remarkable CGI. Thanks to the unthanked Roger Dean, Avatar was a commercial success despite being hackneyed crapola -a sad waste of an excellent screenplay opportunity, especially considering the production values and big name acting talent involved. NovaQuest does not and will not do crapola like Avatar: movies with no content, whether or not such have a great uncredited Roger Dean art concept look or other strong points going for them.

*NovaQuest interpretive filters - this "magic" is hard to describe, but (like obscenity) you'll know it when you see it. Basically, we, as individuals and as a creative team, are solidly grounded in fairly unusual perspectives, experiences, and skill sets gained from deeply reading certain challenging authors, working in unusual places & circumstances, and having some genuinely rare & remarkable life experiences. How many other screenwriting teams are versed in applied Heideggerian philosophy, Krishnamurti, Twain, Emerson, Holmes, Watts, and Campbell? How many can discuss the progressive Green Libertarian aspects of Heinlein as contrasted with the feminism of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley? How many can relate the daily life of suburban Americans or villagers in the Amazon, Himalayas, Alaska, or Java to that of characters on Cottman IV, Pern, or aboard a derelict Forerunner ship adrift in space for millennia? Give us a shot with your project, and you'll know the magic is there when you first see it in the script treatment and then again later when the box office returns are in.